This historical phase of profound political and socio-economic uncertainty calls for a broader reflection on Lockdown yes Lockdown no.
Just as it is the civic duty of professionals and businesses to contribute to the debate and propose solutions.Given that through the social partners and intermediate bodies we have already forwarded to the regional and national authorities a proposal on a model of society based on sustainable development but that we will not wait for anyone’s consent to start developing strategies, international partnerships and innovative solutions.
Given that through the social partners and intermediate bodies we have already forwarded to the regional and national authorities a proposal on a model of society based on sustainable development but that we will not wait for anyone’s consent to start developing strategies, international partnerships and innovative solutions.
This historical phase of profound political and socio-economic uncertainty calls for a broader reflection on Lockdown yes Lockdown no.
Japan has always been a model of society to be inspired by: ethics as a basic principle and innovation based on people’s real needs.
Society 5.0 is therefore centered on Man: anyone can enjoy a high quality of life, where a higher value is recognized in the collaboration between man and machine and the moral, ethical and economic values of digitization.
In its mission Society 5.0, therefore, intends to incorporate advanced technologies in various sectors and social activities and promoting innovation to create new value.
To achieve this, however, there are 5 walls to break down.
The 1st Wall to get rid of will be the Administrative one, i.e. the elimination of a large part of the bureaucratization present today in the country and in the regional bodies but also the sharing of information and collaboration between ministries and state/regional agencies, to outline common strategies that can lead to faster and more solid economic growth compared to the current one.
The 2nd Wall, Legislativeor, for which there is an urgent need for a profound transformation to adapt to the aspects of current society, increasingly connected and dependent on new technologies, while now the laws (and/or specific guidelines), due to their backwardness, do not take into consideration aspects now common in daily life.
The 3rd Wall, Technological, on the other hand, is the lack of sharing between the holders of technological knowledge, which should instead be merged and coordinated with each other to maximize and improve future implementations (interoperability).
The 4th Wall, Human, on the other hand, will only come down if it is possible to enhance every specific technological knowledge of people, focusing on continuous training, computer literacy, the enrichment of each individual’s skills, public and private welfare policies to support, tracing and certifying them in order to optimize investments.
The 5th and last Wall against which Society 5.0 will have to hit hard to make it fall is the one called “acceptance”. Here the task will be very difficult because very delicate issues will have to be treated which will concern the moral, ethical and philosophical sphere of life itself, given the ever greater contacts that human beings will have to have with robotic and artificial intelligence entities.
Is this model also applicable to the Italian context, which is very different from Japan?
From a SWOT analysis on the strengths and weaknesses of our local and national context, many positive factors emerged, but also areas for improvement and external threats to counter.
Social changes, covid and other external phenomena are in some cases predictable, in others less so. Just complaining doesn’t change the state of things.
There will be many people without work, without health or educational support and, even when it is present, it is not always of quality.
Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to give economic support, but also to have the foresight to concentrate resources, incentives and prizes above all on those who invest in the culture of ethics and on digital and with the aim of: making the production chains (food, packaging and precision mechanics) more sustainable with the circular economy; direct training choices towards so-called subjects STEM; reward companies that pay taxes, provide employee welfare services and innovate organisation, processes and products; reward virtuous citizens towards the environment; reward and encourage technological solutions focused on basic human needs (safety, health, food); reward and incentivize cities that invest in smart community projects and create public-private partnerships (Living labs) with R&D bodies and businesses to test intelligent (smart) solutions.
In the country of the now famous guidelines that are always arriving, clear, effective and above all measurable actions are needed.
Today technology allows us to measure, track and certify the social innovation actions of citizens and businesses, and, therefore, we need to reconsider it as a lever to improve the social and environmental condition of our community.
Economic development will at this point only be a direct consequence!