Digital Transformation Process

The digital transformation represents an unprecedented challenge and an unmissable opportunity for organizations in every sector and dimension: digital is a managerial factor, even before it is technological.

In this context, Digital Business requires new professionalism and new skills based on an interdisciplinary approach.

At Mediterranean Lab 4.0 we can support companies to develop innovative business strategies that can seize the opportunities of digital transformation.

From Design Thinking techniques to Lean Start up methodology, we offer an integrated, strategic, organizational and technological innovation vision.

At Mediterranean Lab 4.0 we offer our customers innovative business models and strategic research and development (R&D) plans after measuring the impact of big data on business organizations for the industry of the future!

Digital Business

New skills

Design Thinking

Strategic vision

Lean Start up

Technological innovation


Research and development

What we offer

Measuring and assessing the degree of digital maturity of the business and human resources

Building “data-driven strategy” of company and impact measurement of big data on value chain

R&D pilot actions to improve 5 pillars of digital maturity: organization, strategy, technology, operations, customer